Ukraine's Crimea and Donbas region were invaded by the Russian Army on February 27, 2014.
Crimea was annexed to Russia in 2014, and
Donbas has become a frozen conflict zone.
On February 24, 2022, Russia escalated into a
full-scale war against Ukraine. Ukraine with the help of jounalists, volunteers, and the UN documents
the Russian aggression. Learn about
Ukraine before the war.
Viktor Tsyrennikov
Ph.D. in Economics, NYU
CV | Linked | Promontory resume
- I oversee a highly-skilled team of quants. We build and validate quantiative methodologies and models, develop and validate AI/ML applications, and consult on climate risk management and digital assets. My clients include banking institutions, insurance companies, fintechs, clearinghouses, and asset managers.
- In my spare time, I continue research on International Finance, Macrofinance, and Econometrics